Disco Devil

cocktail style:
Citrusy, Spicy

Disco Devil

The piquant and zesty kick of ginger beer meets the intense chili-based heat of Disco Inferno. Bolstered by the aromatic beauty of Alchermes, this refreshing highball offers electrifying layers of flavors to those who can brave the heat.

*Jamaican No. 1 Bitters is now Ginger Allspice Bitters

Make the cocktail

1/2 oz
Fresh Lime Juice
3/4 oz
White Rum
3/4 oz
Heirloom Alchermes Liqueur
30 drops
Disco Inferno
1 dash/dropper
Bittercube Ginger Allspice Bitters
4 1/2 oz
Ginger Beer
Collins Glass
Cherry and lime wedge
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